We are the Pastors and Church Staff of Smoky Hill United Methodist Church. We hold our vision very close to our hearts and strive to find ways to connect, transform and serve our congregation. We encourage you to find us at church and connect with us. We’d love to hear from you. However, until then, read a little bit about us.

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Patti Agnew was raised on the beaches of southern California, lived in Colorado for 24 years, spent the last 5 years in Montana, and now is back home in Colorado. She has served 14 churches since 1994 in southeastern Colorado, suburbs of Broomfield and Aurora, Colorado Springs, and in Helena and Livingston, Montana. Along the way she earned her Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. Patti served on the New Church Development committee for the Rocky Mountain/Mountain Sky Conference for over 15 years. She brings all that experience to serve now as senior pastor here at Smoky Hill UMC.
Her vision for our church is to follow Jesus together. She loves the vitality and outward focus of Smoky Hill UMC. This is a church who puts their faith into action spreading the love of God across the city, county, and world. She looks forward to being part of this next chapter of Smoky Hill UMC.
Patti was a competitive gymnast for 10 years and enjoys following NCAA Women’s gymnastics. (DU has an excellent team!) She also enjoys hiking, quilting, and hanging out with her family. Her daughters live in Denver and Wellington. Recently her parents moved to Ft. Collins. They have lots of adventures and laughs together!

Reverend Glen Wood joins Smoky Hill United Methodist Church as the part time associate pastor starting on July 1st, 2024.
A graduate from St Paul School of Theology, he is an ordained elder on honorable location from the Missouri conference.
Rev. Glen and his partner Robert Wagner have lived in Aurora for 20 years and will be celebrating their 25th anniversary this coming September.
They have a Scottish Terrier name Maggie McGuiness who puts the "T" in "Terrier" and in "Trouble."
His hobbies include traveling, supporting the arts, singing with various choirs, cooking and spending time with family and friends

Pastor Lucia is our Spanish Minister and provides spiritual leadership to the Spanish congregation. Lucia’s passion is for the world to know Christ. She ministers to everyone, she prays for everyone, and she loves everyone.
Lucia is dedicated to her congregation and a dedicated servant of Christ. Lucia takes her service to her congregation, the world, her family and her church family very seriously and she praises God everyday for her gifts and what she has to share.

Becky is the Director of Music Ministries at Smoky Hill UMC. She is a native Coloradan, growing up in Northeast Colorado (Sterling) in a family of nine adopted children. She recently has connected with her biological family, so her family continues to grow. She has served in the Music Program at SHUMC since 1992, beginning as the choir accompanist, later becoming the Associate Music Director, and in 2013 became the director of Music Ministries. Helping others in their faith journeys through many forms of music is Becky's passion. From young children to those "up there in age," there are musical opportunities. Vocal choirs, contemporary praise teams, brass, strings, woodwinds, and handbells all make up an amazing music ministry. Music is a fair and glorious gift of God, and Smoky Hill UMC is blessed with wonderful musicians of all ages and welcomes all who share an interest to be a part of this wonderful ministry!

Lynne graduated with a Bachelors of Arts in English Literature and Comparative Literature from the University of Washington. She worked in bookstores for many years, including Cokesbury, the retail arm of the United Methodist Publishing House. Lynne then moved to Northwest Montana and became the library director for a small, rural public library. Lynne and her husband, Paul Morales, met Bishop Karen Oliveto when she came to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Methodist Church they attended. In 2020, Paul and Lynne moved to Aurora to be closer to family. They found a new church home here at Smoky Hill UMC, and Lynne found a great job as well.

Crystal has lived in Colorado since she was 4 years old. She is married to Doug and is blessed with two wonderful children, Ashely - 22 years old, and Brandon - 19 years old. Crystal began working in the nursery in 2008. In 2015, Crystal began as the Children and Families Director. Helping our children of the church learn about God in Sunday School and through the Children's Time messages is very rewarding. Crystal also oversees the childcare/nursery program and serves as the church's Finance Secretary.